An OC that has a pale colourscheme but is dark skinned.


Journal log, 104.

I decided to tempt fate, and travel between the dimensions, rather than hopping from world to world as I usually do.

I don’t remember how I got there. One moment, I was exploring the abyss that is between dimensions, and the next, in a large room. Not quite a throne room, or anything like that, yet with the white marble and silver accents, it still held an air of authority.

I hear a voice, spoken yet silent, and that’s when I met her. A tall, slender woman, her skin reminiscent of fresh soil, though as smooth as the marble walls that surrounded me, and hair that looked more like liquid silver, fluid yet like a mist trailing behind her.

The robes she wore were a touch different. Almost a pale yellow, it reminded me of a fine sand flowing around her, and it even would leave a small trail of the ‘fabric’ behind her, before seeming to dissipate.

She knew who I was, where I came from, everything. It was…quite unnerving, yet despite knowing so much she asked many questions, as I asked her my own. Childish curiosity, yet an aged wisdom even I can’t quite grasp.

She is dangerous. And I think she knows this. She watches, she plays…yet, she does not ruin fatesplans…

Maybe she is fate itself?

I will have to explore this matter further in the future.


This was a bit of a challenge to do! I’ve had this sort of character in mind for a while, yet I didn’t have any real direction until now. She has no name, and her snakes, while they seem small and harmless, are her protectors.

I doodled a coloured version.i really like how it all looks tbh!

An OC that has a pale colourscheme but is dark skinned.

Journal log, 104.

I decided to tempt fate, and travel between the dimensions, rather than hopping from world to world as I usually do.

I don’t remember how I got there. One moment, I was exploring the abyss that is between dimensions, and the next, in a large room. Not quite a throne room, or anything like that, yet with the white marble and silver accents, it still held an air of authority.

I hear a voice, spoken yet silent, and that’s when I met her. A tall, slender woman, her skin reminiscent of fresh soil, though as smooth as the marble walls that surrounded me, and hair that looked more like liquid silver, fluid yet like a mist trailing behind her.

The robes she wore were a touch different. Almost a pale yellow, it reminded me of a fine sand flowing around her, and it even would leave a small trail of the ‘fabric’ behind her, before seeming to dissipate.

She knew who I was, where I came from, everything. It was…quite unnerving, yet despite knowing so much she asked many questions, as I asked her my own. Childish curiosity, yet an aged wisdom even I can’t quite grasp.

She is dangerous. And I think she knows this. She watches, she plays…yet, she does not ruin fatesplans…

Maybe she is fate itself?

I will have to explore this matter further in the future.


This was a bit of a challenge to do! I’ve had this sort of character in mind for a while, yet I didn’t have any real direction until now. She has no name, and her snakes, while they seem small and harmless, are her protectors.



Burnout, 2018.

Three years ago, my constantly worsening sleep deprivation and stress resulted in a burnout. I’m 30 years old now, at the time of posting this comic, and I still haven’t recovered fully. I still have the heart symptoms – even the smallest amount of stress brings the symptoms back. It’s likely I will never recover enough to work a fulltime job again and I can’t go back to high-stress environments like customer service. But that’s alright. I am more than just my work. I’m slowly learning to be merciful towards myself and to show myself the same kindness I show others, and I think that’s very important.

This is my story and I won’t be ashamed any more.