“Madeline? I’ll be home shortly, but I need you to get blankets, the first aid kit, and some broth ready, please,” Matt had called after his job, and despite how fine he sounded, he still sounded quite worried.





Madeleine had already been worried enough when he called her. At his request, her worry only grew. “Okay… is everything alright?”


She nodded. “Thank you. I… I do want to help, though. I th-think I can manage okay. I’m just a bit shaken is all.”

“Alright, just don’t push yourself too hard,” He kissed her forehead, and hugged her tightly before heading out to check on the child once more, making sure she was still alright.

Madeleine turned back to the stove, stirring the broth one last time before turning off the burner and pouring it into a bowl. After a moment, she returned to the living room after grabbing a spoon.

Matt was kneeling in front of the girl and sorry talking to her, watching as her head either nod or shake before noticing Madeline coming in, and offered her a smile before standing up.
“Sweetheart, can you help her eat a bit while I fix up the guest room?”

“Madeline? I’ll be home shortly, but I need you to get blankets, the first aid kit, and some broth ready, please,” Matt had called after his job, and despite how fine he sounded, he still sounded quite worried.





Madeleine had already been worried enough when he called her. At his request, her worry only grew. “Okay… is everything alright?”


“Well, of course not.” She gave a slight smile. “I’ll be right back with water.” She went into the kitchen, returning a moment later, glass in hand. “I’ve got broth on the stove. Should be ready in a few minutes.”

“awesome; thank you, sweetheart,” He smiled gratefully before turning to the sleeping girl. Good, no temperature, that’s a relief. “Charlotte, can you wake up? I’ve got some water,” Matt gently spoke to her and her eyes fluttered before two tired, sunken blue eyes looked up. 

Madeleine smiled down at the girl with a soft expression, though her hands seemed to be shaking. She stuffed one hand into her pocket in order to hide this, while the other rested on Matt’s shoulder lightly. “I’m going to go check on the broth,” she said quietly, before returning to the kitchen.

He watched her worried, but first focused on making sure this kid had some water first. After that, and making sure she was comfortable, he got.up and headed to the kitchen, where he wrapped his arms around his fiance.
“You alright?”

After having a nightmare, Ruelle woke Madeleine up in the middle of the night. Now, the woman was in Ruelle’s room, her body curled around the child protectively as the two slept peacefully. //Because it’s high time we did something with Ruelle, and Matt already seems to be in Dad Mode anyway! :)


How long had Matt been on the computer, talking to corporate assholes and skeezy businessmen who pay him and his people to protect them? Too long, that’s all he knows. Grumbling, he finally trudged to the bedroom before freezing. Where was Madeline?! 

He took a shaky breath and hurried to Ruelle’s room, sighing in relief as he saw the two sleeping and quietly crept in. Soon he was seated beside the bed, his arms crossed on the edge and his head in his arms as he watched the girls sleep with a small smile on his lips before he, too, finally drifted off to sleep.


[text] where are you?

[text] i don’t deserve you..there’s so many better people than me…

[text] you don’t realize how beautiful you look when you sleep…

[text] i’m an absolute asshole…how do you even stand to be near me, let alone LIKE me?

[text] can you come home? please? I need to see you’re alright…please…

[text] Have a good day at classes. I love you! 

Madeleine was asleep on the couch, her art history text book still open in her lap. She’d been particularly busy with school lately, and this wasn’t the first time this week she’d fallen asleep while studying. It was clear she wasn’t faring too well, but she refused to put anything off for a night to relax for fear of falling behind in her studies.

Matt sighed as he knelt beside her, petting her gently as he took the book, placing a paper to mark it before placing it down on the coffee table. He was starting to worry about her, at least her health. Working like this, she was sure to burn out sooner or later…

Picking her up carefully, he started making his way to their bedroom, so she could sleep on a proper bed, and not have to deal with the pain she’d feel from the couch later.


Send me a HELLO and i’ll answer…

If we kissed:

  • [] This wouldn’t happen.
  • [] Oh disgusting.
  • [] Again, again.
  • [x] Kiss you back.
  • [x] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
  • [] Slap/Push you away.
  • [] Be confused

If you asked me out I’d say:

  • [] Um no.
  • [] I’m taken- 
  • [x] Sure.

Can we cuddle?:

  • [] No.
  • [] Ew.
  • [] Sure.
  • [x] YES.


  • [] Let’s do it.
  • [] No. You can’t handle my d.
  • [x] FUCK YES.
  • [] No.

Should you reblog this?:

  • [] Yes. I want to send you one.
  • [x] Yes.
  • [] No.

“Madeline, could…I ask you something?” Matt was out in another country, working, so it was Mattie here, looking guilty.


Madeleine hadn’t minded at all when Mattie showed up, happy to have company over to get her mind off of how much she missed her fiance. But the look on Mattie’s face made her feel a little uneasy. 

“Uh, yeah, of course.” She smiled as she turned to face him.


Mattie chuckled a little, as he passed her the papers so he could start driving again.
“So long as you’re alright, I’ll be fine…Maybe…Or at least he’ll make me do crap work for a bit as revenge. If I had more time, it’d be fine, but I only got the job a few days ago, and turns out the gangs getting ready to move tomorrow, so I might lose them.
That has the names of all 57 people, and every one is to be taken out, spare two…Though, the weird part is, only one name is given to be spared, so either my source is fucked up, or there’s a 58th person there, potentially either a big wig to be brought to justice, a hostage, or who knows what.
I’ll do most of the clearing out, I just need you to keep an eye out for anyone hiding away or anything, alright?”