“Madeline? I’ll be home shortly, but I need you to get blankets, the first aid kit, and some broth ready, please,” Matt had called after his job, and despite how fine he sounded, he still sounded quite worried.





Madeleine had already been worried enough when he called her. At his request, her worry only grew. “Okay… is everything alright?”


She nodded. “Thank you. I… I do want to help, though. I th-think I can manage okay. I’m just a bit shaken is all.”

“Alright, just don’t push yourself too hard,” He kissed her forehead, and hugged her tightly before heading out to check on the child once more, making sure she was still alright.

Madeleine turned back to the stove, stirring the broth one last time before turning off the burner and pouring it into a bowl. After a moment, she returned to the living room after grabbing a spoon.

Matt was kneeling in front of the girl and sorry talking to her, watching as her head either nod or shake before noticing Madeline coming in, and offered her a smile before standing up.
“Sweetheart, can you help her eat a bit while I fix up the guest room?”

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