“Madeline? I’ll be home shortly, but I need you to get blankets, the first aid kit, and some broth ready, please,” Matt had called after his job, and despite how fine he sounded, he still sounded quite worried.





Madeleine had already been worried enough when he called her. At his request, her worry only grew. “Okay… is everything alright?”


“Well, of course not.” She gave a slight smile. “I’ll be right back with water.” She went into the kitchen, returning a moment later, glass in hand. “I’ve got broth on the stove. Should be ready in a few minutes.”

“awesome; thank you, sweetheart,” He smiled gratefully before turning to the sleeping girl. Good, no temperature, that’s a relief. “Charlotte, can you wake up? I’ve got some water,” Matt gently spoke to her and her eyes fluttered before two tired, sunken blue eyes looked up. 

Madeleine smiled down at the girl with a soft expression, though her hands seemed to be shaking. She stuffed one hand into her pocket in order to hide this, while the other rested on Matt’s shoulder lightly. “I’m going to go check on the broth,” she said quietly, before returning to the kitchen.

He watched her worried, but first focused on making sure this kid had some water first. After that, and making sure she was comfortable, he got.up and headed to the kitchen, where he wrapped his arms around his fiance.
“You alright?”

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