After having a nightmare, Ruelle woke Madeleine up in the middle of the night. Now, the woman was in Ruelle’s room, her body curled around the child protectively as the two slept peacefully. //Because it’s high time we did something with Ruelle, and Matt already seems to be in Dad Mode anyway! :)


How long had Matt been on the computer, talking to corporate assholes and skeezy businessmen who pay him and his people to protect them? Too long, that’s all he knows. Grumbling, he finally trudged to the bedroom before freezing. Where was Madeline?! 

He took a shaky breath and hurried to Ruelle’s room, sighing in relief as he saw the two sleeping and quietly crept in. Soon he was seated beside the bed, his arms crossed on the edge and his head in his arms as he watched the girls sleep with a small smile on his lips before he, too, finally drifted off to sleep.

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